- Shift twice Find anywhere
- Ctrl + N Find by classes name
- Ctrl+Shift+N Finds any file or directory by name
- Ctrl+Alt+Shift+N Finds a symbol
- sout + tab System.out.println()
- Ctrl + Shift + F10 Run
- Ctrl + / Comment
- Ctrl + Alt + l Format the code
- Ctrl + d Duplicate line
- Alt + ins Gets, Sets, Constructor, ToString
- Shift + Alt + Up or Down Move a line up or down
- Ctrl + Alt + V Create variable
- Alt + f7 Find usages
- Ctrl + g Go to line
- Ctrl + F12 Show methods in a class
- Ctrl + Alt + Shift + J Select all references
- Shift + F6 Rename variable, method
- Ctrl + Shift + M Extract Method
- Ctrl + R Find with replace
- Alt + Shift Select multiple lines Intelij